Our communities are strongest when everyone has access to safe, affordable housing to care for our loved ones and enjoy a quality, healthy life.

Our neighbors are struggling to keep up with the cost of rent, especially as the shortage of affordable housing becomes more apparent. Lincoln must ensure we are using housing assistance to its full extent.

“I was turned away”

Summary of the story. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pretium metus diam, sed vehicula massa varius sed. Proin commodo at purus at auctor. Sed mi erat, congue eget tincidunt id, pharetra nec ipsum. Donec eros mauris, fermentum sed ex non, tristique convallis diam. Integer consectetur varius congue. Sed tristique velit vestibulum mattis ultrices. Fusce ut dolor sit amet ipsum interdum accumsan non sed mi. Morbi quis sagittis sapien. Morbi nisl tortor, consequat a convallis quis, convallis sit amet nulla.